Eviction Requirements & Disclaimers

Things You NEED To Know Before Scheduling An Eviction:

We MUST have the original signed writ of eviction to clear out a property.
You need to provide this to us prior to our booking the eviction appointment with the county or there will be an additional fee charged for retrieving it ourselves.

We MUST have a functional key to the house.
If you fail to provide a key to the front door that works with the current locks in place, we will be forced to gain access to the property by any means necessary.  There is NO time to call a locksmith on the day of the appointment.

All appointments are booked as a 4 hour time slot – NO EXCEPTIONS.
There is a maximum time limit of two hours to clear out a house for eviction.  We book four hour appointments to ensure arrival and departure procedures do not interfere with completing the eviction in the allowed 2 hour timeframe.

You cannot request a specific date for an eviction by us.
Eviction appointments are scheduled in coordination with the county’s calendar and are NOT available at custom times.

We are NOT LIABLE for any damages to the property during the eviction.
We come in to clear out the house quickly and professionally.  If proper measures are not taken by the tenants and landlord to prepare the house and items in the house to be removed on the scheduled eviction day, we will do what is necessary to complete our job of emptying the house at the designated time.

NO one else is allowed on the premises during the eviction.
Our team will come out with the county Sheriff or Marshal for the eviction.  All other parties are to remain off site for the duration of this process.  No additional supervision or help is needed or allowed from the property owner, tenants, or any family or friends of those involved.  Our team is fully equipped to handle all the required tasks independently.

We reserve the right to call in additional members of our team to work your property upon arrival.
If we arrive at the house and find that the typical two person per bedroom crew count will not be sufficient to complete the job on time, we will call more of our workers in.  This will be an additional $30 per person per hour charge to your final bill in addition to the quote you received when you booked with us.
*Again, you are NOT permitted to send any of your own people to help in these circumstances.

Your quoted price is subject to the appointment proceeding on the scheduled date with no delays.
Sometimes unforeseeable events happen, and we find circumstances that prevent the eviction from taking place at the time or date the county scheduled.  Gwinnett Dekalb Eviction is not responsible for this delay, and we will require payment for the hours worked on the original scheduled day plus the time added by the new appointment or delayed start time.

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